Activities and Publication
So far more than 15000 students have appeared for Sanskrit exams conducted by Kendram Tamil Nadu and all over India since 1990.
Many Teachers and volunteers work with Kendram for the propagation of Sanskrit language and Literature all over the world.
Sankara & Ramanuja Jayanthi, Kalidasa Jayanthi, Valmiki Jayanthi, Sanskrit Day are being celebrated Every year. Lots of Sanskrit Scholars have addressed in these functions.
Many Sanskrit books have been published so far by Kendram.
Sanskrit Study Centres
Sanskrit has been taught through Sanskrit Study Centres with the help of Sanskrit Scholars and Teachers since 1990. Thousands of students study Sanskrit in these centres existing in various places of Tamil Nadu and other states. These students appear for Sanskrit exams conducted by Kendram in April and October every year.
The Sanskrit Scholars, Teachers and well wishers are welcome to open a study centre in your area. Proper guidance will be given to the Teachers to conduct the Sanskrit classes.
Sanskrit Courses & Exams
Sanskrit is taught in simple steps. Students above 9 years learn Sanskrit in 3 stages. The following courses are being conducted.